3 Benefits of Revit Family Creation For Lighting Manufacture Firm

What is a revit family?


A Revit Family can be defined as any component modelled on softwares like Revit that can be inserted into models as 2d or 3d components. 

These families can be created in advance and then loaded into the project. 

Generally, Revit Families are made of basic building elements like doors, windows, furniture, structural elements, roofs, floors and walls, etc. They help simplify the Revit Modeling process. A revit family can be classified as follows :

  • System Families – They consist of families used in the structure of a building. They may include primary necessary components like walls, roofs, staircases, and floors etc.
  • Loadable Families – These consist of non structural members like furniture, lighting, windows and doors which do not contribute to the structure of a building.
  • Specific Families – When families are created just for a specific use in a project and are of no use otherwise, then they are considered as specific families. These can involve components specific to a particular design.

Why is revit family creation important?

Revit Family Creation has gained a lot of importance recently. Generally, all equipment manufacturers today are providing a revit family catalogue of their components to ease the use in models. 

Otherwise, Revit professionals have to model the entire component from scratch with accurate dimensions, to use it in their projects.

Since the task is quite tedious and time-taking, professionals will opt for companies with established Revit Families. This helps boost sales for equipment manufacturers and increase their profits.

Revit families for lighting manufacture companies

Lighting manufacturers need to provide all their components through the medium of revit families today. 

Revit Lighting Families are crucial to BIM projects as they enhance the look and feel of any project. Hence, professionals choose to incorporate them while creating revit models. Manufacturing companies today need to make revit lighting families available to stay ahead of the competition.

Benefits of revit family creation

1 - Efficient modelling


Revit Family Creation Services help AEC professionals the most by reducing their workload. If the revit lighting families are readily available, they do not need to be modelled from scratch. 

Hence, the 3D Designers can use it directly in the model. When working with a revit family, you don’t have to make changes in each individual component throughout the project. 

For example, when using Revit Lighting Families, you can go into the family editor and make edits just a single time to the family and it gets reflected in all the units used in the project. This helps save time and hence save resources and hence is highly used by many firms.

2 - Accuracy in modelling

Using a Revit Family in Models can help make the model very detailed. Since the families are made accurately as per actual product dimensions, it appears as is in the BIM model as well.

The precise revit model also incorporates the exact dimensions making it easier to calculate bills and materials required. With the availability of revit lighting families for reference, designers can have an exact idea about the product.

They can view it from different perspectives and understand its quality, material and textures in order to be sure about the product. Hence, it helps professionals make highly accurate models and henceforth the clients have an idea of what they are investing in.

3 - Better Collaboration

Revit Family Creation Services helps in enhanced collaboration between stakeholders. Designers can get customized revit lighting families to suit their requirements. 

They can let the manufacturing companies know their specifications as needed to get a product that works best for them. Since Revit Family Creation Services are highly customizable, stakeholders like designers, engineers and Revit specialists can request families according to their requirements.


While creating large scale BIM models, it can be difficult for professionals to create a revit family from scratch for different components. 

BIM is becoming an industry standard with projects having BIM models as a necessity today. Hence, using families helps make accurate 3D BIM Models. It is also beneficial for manufacturers who can increase sales and help save time and money for industry professionals.

Outsourcing Revit Family Creation Services is a good option for electrical equipment manufacturers who want to create revit lighting families for their catalogues.

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