Electrical Single-Line Diagrams for UK-Based Client

Case Study

Project Description

Client: Electrical Engineering Company

Country: United Kingdom

Scope: CAD Drafting of Electrical Single Line Diagrams 

Inclusion: HV Switchgear, HV power cable connection to Transformer, and associated LV switchgear

Software: AutoCAD 2023

Deliverables: 2D Drawings in DWG & PDF formats

Challenges: Accommodating the client’s immediate delivery need (within 3 days)

United States

(+1) 757 656 3274

United Kingdom

(+44) 7360 267087

CRESIRE's Collaborative Approach to Electrical Single Line Diagram Drafting

1. Understanding Client Needs

CRESIRE initiated the project with an online call to understand the client’s specific requirements for the electrical SLDs. This included discussions on:

  • Project scope and objectives
  • Existing electrical drawing details
  • Data and specifications to be incorporated in the SLDs
  • Preferred software platform and file format

2. Data Gathering and Processing

CRESIRE’s team efficiently gathered relevant data from the client, including:

  • Electrical schematics
  • Equipment specifications
  • One-line diagrams of existing systems
  • Project blueprints and layouts

3. SLD Drafting and Collaboration

CRESIRE’s skilled electrical engineers utilized AutoCAD software to create accurate and detailed SLDs. The electrical single-line diagrams included  HV Switchgear, HV power cable connection to the Transformer, and associated LV switchgear. 

The team employed a collaborative approach, keeping the client involved throughout the process:

  • Regular progress updates and online reviews
  • Incorporation of client feedback and suggestions
  • Real-time addressing of any questions or concerns

4. Quality Assurance and Delivery

  • CRESIRE’s stringent quality assurance procedures ensured the accuracy and completeness of the SLDs.
  • All diagrams were thoroughly reviewed and verified before final delivery.
  • The final set of 7 electrical SLDs was delivered to the client within 3 days, exceeding expectations for speed and efficiency.

Benefits of CRESIRE's Collaborative Approach

  • Faster Turnaround Time: By working closely with the client and utilizing efficient workflows, CRESIRE was able to deliver the project in a concise timeframe.
  • Enhanced Accuracy and Quality: The collaborative approach ensured that the SLDs accurately reflected the client’s requirements and incorporated their valuable feedback.
  • Improved Communication and Transparency: CRESIRE kept the client informed and involved throughout the process, fostering trust and a strong working relationship.
  • Reduced Costs and Risks: CRESIRE’s efficient approach and focus on quality helped the client save time and money while minimizing the risk of errors or rework.

Need Assistance with Electrical Single-Line Diagrams (SLDs)?

Avoid the stress of drafting HV switchgear and transformer connections in your project’s single-line diagrams. Partner with CRESIRE today and experience the clarity, speed, and expertise that you require. Our team takes the burden off your shoulders for Electrical CAD Drawing and Electrical CAD Drafting, saving you time and money while ensuring accuracy and best practices.

Contact Us Today for a Consultation.

Let's Talk

USA - (+1) 757 656 3274
UK - (+44) 7360 267087
INDIA - (+91) 63502 02061

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